Kramdown Syntax

Local Extensions


With block attributes ( we create custom styling:

{: .info title="My Title"}
Some text

Some text

{: .success title="My Title"}
Some text

Some text

{: .danger title="My Title"}
Some text

Some text

Code Block:

{: .code title="mycode title"}
[data-toggle='collapse'] .toggler::before {
	content: '\f077';
[data-toggle='collapse'] .toggler::before {
	content: '\f077';

Collapsible Panel

Same as panel wih an additional .x:

{: .success title="My Collapsible Panel" .x}
Some text

Some text

HTML in Markdown Page

HTML can be uses in the markdown, see

If the content of the html should be parsed as marksown, add a markdown=1 attribute.

<div class="danger x" title="My Danger Title" markdown="1">

Example with Code:

Embedded code block

String x = "ABC";


Does not work in IE:

<details markdown="1">
  <summary>With Code Block</summary>
  # some text


With Code Block

some text

Errors Syntax Highlighting

Problem: Html code with angular elements is not valid html and therefore the syntax highlighter marks these elements as invalid (red).

Solution: remove the .highlight .err from the file syntax.css

.highlight .c { color: #999; } /* Comment */
//.highlight .err { color: #a00; background-color: #faa } /* Error */
.highlight .k { color: #069; } /* Keyword */

Site info

Generatd: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 19:18:43 +0000


With a small javascript the to the jekyll css classes bootstrap classes are added:

  function() {
    $(".success").addClass("alert alert-success");
    $(".info").addClass("alert alert-info");
    $("table").addClass("table table-bordered table-striped");

Collapse behaviour with .x is added by a littele javascript:

$('p[title], div[title]').each(function () {
        if ($(this).hasClass('x')) {
          var randomid = 'collapse_' + (collapse_id_counter++);
          $(this).wrapInner('<div class="collapse-inner collapse" id="' + randomid + '"></div>').prepend(function () {
            return '<div class="font-weight-bold collapsed" style="cursor: pointer"  data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#' + randomid + '">'
              + "<i class='toggler fa mr-2'></i>" + $(this).attr('title') + "</div></div>";
        else {
          $(this).wrapInner('<div class="no-collapse-inner"></div>')
            .prepend(function () { return '<div class="font-weight-bold">' + $(this).attr('title') + '</div></div>'; });
