
Referenced classes are part of the project io.github.leoniedermeier.utils.

Individual Getters and Setters

The class io.github.leoniedermeier.utils.test.beans.BeanTesterUtils provides methods to test that bean getter returns the same object which is set by the setter.


 BeanSetterGetterTester.assertSetterGetter(MyBean.class, "My-Input-Value", MyBean::setName, MyBean::getName);

// or with random input value
 BeanSetterGetterTester.assertSetterGetter(MyBean.class, MyBean::setName, MyBean::getName);
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Reason: Setter - Getter different values!
set-method: setWrong
get-method: getWrong
 ==> expected: <b874e5df-62e4-44be-857b-229212c811b7> but was: <WRONG: b874e5df-62e4-44be-857b-229212c811b7>

Generic Getter and Setter Testing

The class io.github.leoniedermeier.utils.test.beans.GenericBeanPropertyTester provides a method to test all getters and setters (non recursive!). The bean properties are determined by java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(...).

For all bean properties the following steps are executed:

  • set a random value by the setter
  • call the getter
  • check the values

Tested bean properties can be of type:

  • primitives or their wrapper classes
  • String
  • any class which have a default constructor (instances are created by java.lang.Class.newInstance())


org.opentest4j.MultipleFailuresError: Test properties getter and setters (2 failures)
property: number
set-method: setNumber
get-method: getNumber
 ==> expected: <-1459853287> but was: <12>
property: wrong
set-method: setWrong
get-method: getWrong
 ==> expected: <27e11e18-436f-4aca-b9dd-fe94bfd97f57> but was: <WRONG>