
In larger environments, like corporate environments, we have a lot of modules with for instance

  • some common dependencies
  • gathered in the same deployment unit like a web application

In order to keep the dependencies and particularly the version numbers consistent, we can use the so called “Bill of Materials” mechanism.



  • Define a bill of materials
  • Include it in the pom
  • Define dependencies

Define a bill of materials

You define the dependencies of the bom in the dependencyManagement. There you can also define exclusions (for instance exclude commons logging from spring dependencies)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

The version numbers in the dependency definition are the version numbers used in the importing poms.

Include it in the pom

The bom is referenced in a dependencyManagement dependency with

  • <type>pom</type>
  • <scope>import</scope>

Define dependencies

The dependencies can be defined as usual, but without version:


Do NOT use version numbers in the dependency definition.
