
Some experiments with a table component in Angular.


The Pagination Component

The template has the following structure:

<!-- show component if there are more than one page: -->
<nav aria-label="Page navigation example" *ngIf="hasMoreThanOnePage()">
    <ul class="pagination">
        <!-- disable the arrow if there is no previous page-->
        <li class="page-item" [class.disabled]="!hasPreviousPage()">
            <!-- role="button" make mouse cursor to a pointer -->
            <div class="page-link" role="button" aria-label="Previous" (click)="previousPage()">
                <span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
                <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
        <!-- hide the lower number if ther is no previous page-->
        <li class="page-item" *ngIf="hasPreviousPage()">
            <div class="page-link" role="button" (click)="gotoPage(currentPage -1 )"></div>
        <li class="page-item active">
            <!-- current selected page:  not clickable -->
            <div class="page-link"></div>
        <li class="page-item" *ngIf="hasNextPage()">
            <div class="page-link" role="button" (click)="gotoPage(currentPage + 1)"></div>

        <li class="page-item" [class.disabled]="!hasNextPage()">
            <div class="page-link" role="button" aria-label="Next" (click)="nextPage()">
                <span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>
                <span class="sr-only">Next</span>

The css is from bootstrap 4 (https://v4-alpha.getbootstrap.com/components/pagination/)

export class PaginatorAsViewChild<T>  {
  // Can be set via "linesPerPage" attribute in element. If not, default (10) is used.
  @Input() linesPerPage = 10;
  private _currentPage = 1;

  // all data: needed for calculating page data.
  private data: T[] = [];

  // data of current page
  private pageData: T[] = [];

  constructor() { }

  get currentPage(): number {
    return this._currentPage;

  setData(data: T[]): void {
    this.data = data || [];

  getPageData(): T[] {
    return this.pageData;

  public nextPage(): void {
    if (this.hasNextPage()) {

  public previousPage(): void {
    if (this.hasPreviousPage) {

  hasNextPage(): boolean {
    return (this._currentPage) * this.linesPerPage < this.data.length;

  hasPreviousPage(): boolean {
    return this._currentPage > 1;

  hasMoreThanOnePage(): boolean {
    return this.data.length / this.linesPerPage > 1;

  gotoPage(page: number): void {
    // pages up to this page filled with data: (page -1)* linesPerPage data elements available, therefore:
    if (page > 0 && (page - 1) * this.linesPerPage < this.data.length) {
      this._currentPage = page;

  private recalculatePages() {
    // extracts the data of the current page to show.
    this.pageData = this.data.slice((this._currentPage - 1) * this.linesPerPage, this._currentPage * this.linesPerPage);

Note that most actions require a call to recalculatePages().

Use the Pagination Component in a Component with a Table

The PaginatorAsViewChild is used a a ViewChild of the parent component. The reason for this is the two way communication between them. Angular injects the first child of the type due to the @ViewChild(PaginatorAsViewChild) annotation.

  private paginatorComponent: PaginatorAsViewChild<WaterLevel>;

The PaginatorAsViewChild holds the data which should be shown on in the table. Therefore we use a get method which delegates to the PaginatorAsViewChild:

 get pageElements(): WaterLevel[] {
    // the current page elements are stored in the paginator component.
    if (this.paginatorComponent) {
      return this.paginatorComponent.getPageData();
    } else {
      return [];

The input data can be set at the right place, like the ngAfterViewInit method:

  const inputData = ....

It is important to respect the Angular lifecycle and the point of time when Angular injects the view child. Before the injection the view child field (this.paginatorComponent) is simply null.



By clicking on the table head, the rows should be sorted accoring to the data in the selected column.

The Table Sorter Component

The sorter “button” is a simple span element with some enhancements:

<span role="button" (click)="switchSortOrder()">
<!-- Transclusion using ng-content -->
  <i class="fa"  aria-hidden="true"
    [class.fa-sort-asc]="ascending && active"
    [class.fa-sort-desc]="!ascending && active" 

Here we use the [role="button"] { cursor: pointer;} property of bootstrap. The Angular class binding (https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/template-syntax.html#!#other-bindings) sets different font awesome classes depending on the component properties ascending and active.

If there is a click on the element, the on (click)="switchSortOrder() event binding calls the switchSortOrder() method of the component.

export class TableSorterComponent implements OnInit {

   * The object property path which is used for sorting. Can be nested path.
  property: string;

   * Indicates whether the initial sorting should be done with this instance.
  initialActive = false;

  active = false;
  ascending = true;

  constructor(private eventService: TableSorterEventService) {
    // if another sorter was activated, this one should be deactivated.
    // This can be checked by comparing the property to sort:
    eventService.subscribe(e => this.active = e.property === this.property);

  ngOnInit(): void {
    if (this.initialActive) {
      // triggers the initial sorting

  switchSortOrder(): void {
    this.ascending = !this.ascending;

  private postEvent(): void {
      new TableSortChangeEvent(this.property,
        // the compare function to use for sorting.
        PoaUtils.withAscending(this.ascending, PoaUtils.getComparator(this.property))));

The TableSorterEventService

The comunication between the various TableSorterComponent instances and the host component is realized by a simple event service which is based on RxJs Subject:

export class TableSorterEventService {

  private readonly subject = new Subject<TableSortChangeEvent>();
  constructor() {

  subscribe(subscriber: (value: TableSortChangeEvent) => void) {
    return this.subject

  post(event: TableSortChangeEvent) {

export class TableSortChangeEvent {

   * The compareFunction is used to sort the data.
  constructor(public readonly property: string, public readonly compareFunction: (a: any, b: any) => number) {


Note that the TableSortChangeEvent has a function type property which is used as compare function when sorting the data.

Use Table Sorter Component in a Component with a Table

<table class="table  table-striped table-hover table-sm">
    <thead class="thead-default">
        <tr class="row">
          <!--  set the column width fixed. Has to be done also in the tbody area? -->
            <th class="col-sm-5">
                <poa-table-sorter property="longname">Name</poa-table-sorter>
        <tr *ngFor="let station of data" class="row">
            <td class="col-sm-5"></td>
  providers: [TableSorterEventService]
export class StationsTableComponent {

  data: Station[] = [];
  private compareFunction: (a: Station, b: Station) => number;

  constructor(route: ActivatedRoute, eventService: TableSorterEventService) {
    // get resolved data via subscription
    route.data.subscribe((data: { stations: Station[] }) => {
      // We do change the array, therefore copy it in other not change the original array
      this.data = data.stations.slice(0);
    // listen to changes in the TableSorterComponents: 
    eventService.subscribe(e => {
      this.compareFunction = e.compareFunction;
  private sortData(): void {
    if (this.compareFunction) {
